Knighton Park Table Tennis Club

Junior Coaching
We offer a warm welcome to new juniors and will help to develop their skills in a friendly and supervised environment. We provide a structured coaching programme with eight coaching sessions, all run by UKCC qualified coaches.
We generally accept children aged 8 years and over but will consider younger players. Interested juniors are welcome to come and have a go for two or three weeks before committing themselves. Contact our coaching officer Shirley Pickering by telephoning 07766 460277 or emailing: - shirley@medescon.com
Our beginners coaching session is on Saturday morning from 9am to 10am. Players progress according to their ability and there are two more advanced sessions on Saturday mornings; from there they progress to two sessions on Sunday mornings. There are additional coaching sessions on Tuesday and Thursday evenings for the more advanced junior players.
We encourage our juniors to play in the Leicester and District Development League to gain match experience and umpiring skills.
We currently coach in the region of 80 junior players.
Adult Coaching
There is an adult coaching session on Sunday morning from 9.30am to 11am under the supervision of a qualified coach. The coaching fee is £3 and prior booking is not required.
Disability Coaching
We offer limited coaching for both adults and juniors with physical and learning disabilities. Wherever possible we will try to integrate players into our general coaching programme.
Special Olympics Leicester is a satellite club to Knighton Park TTC. It is a multi-sport club for adults with learning disabilities and one of the sports played is table tennis.
Special Olympics Leicester meets on Thursday evenings (term time only) at Southfields Drive Community Centre, Southfields Drive, Leicester, between 6pm and 8pm.
For advice on disability coaching at Knighton Park TTC or about Special Olympics Leicester, telephone David Morley on 0116 2703618 or email: